When does a Tax Law Announcement Become Active
When an election is around the corner, there are usually many announcements made by the Government of the time to entice undecided voters...
Business Structures in Australia- Companies and Trusts
Deciding on the structure of your new business is one of the most important decisions you will need to make. Careful consideration of your c
Business Structures in Australia- Sole Traders and Partnerships.
Deciding on the structure of your new business is one of the most important decisions you will need to make. Careful consideration of your c
Tax Deductible travel! What I need to know.
There are two classes of travel which you will encounter as an employee of a business:
The first is travel between home and work. Unless yo
Expenses you can no longer claim from your rental property
If you own a rental property, the income and expenses relating to that property are recorded in your income tax return. Like with other dedu
What is depreciation for Tax Purposes?
Depreciation is the term used to describe the decline in value of an asset over the asset’s effective life. For example, a new car purchased