Pay your taxes on time! An Introduction to ATO interest and Penalties
There are 3 main classes of additional amounts the ATO can add to a taxpayer’s tax liability. These are normally issued when a tax return, B
What is the default assessment and how will it impact you.
The ATO has a wide range of options and strategies to ensure taxpayers lodge their tax returns or activity statements on time. When these at
Tax Agents out of the loop - what ATO correspondence changes mean for you?
In response to sustainability and environmental concerns, the ATO is taking measures to reduce the amount of paper correspondence it sends t
What is ABN withholding?
ABN withholding occurs when a supplier does not have, or does not advise you with their ABN for the goods or services they supply to your bu
Tips on how to approach an ATO audit!
Audits are necessary to ensure there is fairness, legality and compliance for all businesses. Most people will cringe when they hear the wor
PAYGW vs PAYGI - Understanding the Difference
The ATO loves acronyms. If you spend any amount of time researching the answer to a simple tax question and become faced with alphabet soup
Rethinking the role of an accountant.
An accountant is more than a dull person in a suit that enjoys calculators as a Christmas present (jokes… seriously don’t do that). Your acc
Purchases you should NOT include in your BAS!
Your business may make thousands of purchases within each BAS reporting cycle. However, this does not mean you simply write one eleventh of
What are the GST Consequences of crowdfunding income for your business.
Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular form of raising funds for a project. For some businesses it may be hard to gain a large injection of
Who to turn to during the Christmas Break?
Many firms in the accounting and finance industries take an extended break over the Christmas/New Year period.
While for most businesses, a