Business Structures in Australia- Sole Traders and Partnerships.
Deciding on the structure of your new business is one of the most important decisions you will need to make. Careful consideration of your c
What is depreciation for Tax Purposes?
Depreciation is the term used to describe the decline in value of an asset over the asset’s effective life. For example, a new car purchased
Bas Myths and legends
While the Business Activity Statement does not carry the romance and drama of an Ancient Greek tragedy, there are still many misconceptions
What documents do I need to provide to my accountant?
The ATO expects you to keep certain documents (or more seriously, “written evidence”) of many transactions which you are involved with as a
Do I operate as a Hobby or a Business and what are the Tax implications?
An important distinction in the world of tax is the difference between a “business” and a “hobby”. Simply put, income received in the course